Adam Frank
Mount Royal
Adam Frank
Canadian born and proud to be, my parents took me to live in Europe at a young age where I had my secondary education in Britain and my university studies in France. A year as a volunteer at an orphanage in Kenya was the beginning of a long career as a teacher of history, music and both of our national languages at international schools in several different countries.
Since childhood I have always been passionate about politics and throughout my career, I never stopped following political events, even for one day. It was always my dream to become actively involved in politics once I returned to my native land.
In that magnificent country called Canada that I knew as a child, it was much easier to succeed in life partly thanks to tertiary education that was heavily subsidized by the government. Access to good quality health care was freely available and even those with modest incomes could afford to buy houses. Imagine my shock when upon returning I found that a large part of the population (including myself) pay 50% or more of our salaries in rent. Most prices in Canada with only a few exceptions are double what Europeans would pay. In other words, the living conditions of most Canadians are much worse than before, whereas the richest Canadians are richer than ever.
Luckily, we in the NDP have a plan to restructure the economy that would allow everyone to live decently in housing that would be once again affordable. Together with you, your votes and more tax revenue from the multimillionaires and billionaires, we can make tertiary education accessible to everyone, take real care of those who are ill and make sure that all have a chance to succeed in life.
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